If you need a quick-and-easy homeschool submission, the Pestalozzi Trust, has kindly shared theirs. It is getting rave reviews because it will take you just a few minutes.

> Follow the instructions of the words in [brackets].
> Remove all the words in [brackets] before sending your submission.
> Consider putting the points in your own words (this is not required).
> Please send your email to the following addresses:
>If you hover over the address and click most browsers will open and email. Just be sure you include all the provincial addresses,
AND BCC homeschoolfreedom1996@gmail.com.

Psst... A little birdie told me it is not unheard of that homeschool leaders have used these Pestalozzi Trust cut-and-pastes in the past because it was 10 minutes to the deadline, they had just finished checking the last harassed homeschooler's submissions and their 20-page submission was unfinished. All you need to do is personalise it to reflect your views.
I appreciate this opportunity to comment on the BELA Bill.
I am a [PICK ONE] a home educating parent [OR] a home learner, [OR] a supporter of home education.
Unfortunately, I have to reject this bill for the following reasons [CHOOSE 3 OF THE 5 OR ADD YOUR OWN REASONS. DELETE 2 OF THE 5]:
1. The SEIA that was done on the BELA Bill is not procedurally sound and does not comply with the SEIAS Guidelines;
2. The definition for home education in Clause 1(g) unconstitutionally limits the venue of home education, as well as the tutorial and other educational resources a learner may make use of;
3. Clause 35 Subsections 1, 2, 4, and 12 do not respect parental rights;
4. Clause 35 Subsections 2(a)(iii) and 2(b)(iii) place unlawful limits on the curriculum and assessment methods home educators may make use of;
5. Clause 35 Subsection 16 allows the Minister unlawfully broad powers to make regulations without consultation with the home educator community.
I am also deeply concerned about [PICK ONE] the closure of micro schools as contemplated in section 25 [OR] the fact that online schooling and micro independent schools are not provided for in the Bill [OR] the provision for regulations on learner pregnancy in clause 39.
I support the Pestalozzi Trust submission and proposal [OR SUPPLY YOUR OWN PROPOSAL].
Sincerely yours,
[Name and surname]
[Daytime telephone number]