The quickest way to get an extra thirty days to study the Children's Amendment Bill.
Use the template below for a thirty day extension. This is differs from request to reissue the call for comment that asks for some changes to be made and then for 30-days to be given for comment.
This is, however, easier and will have a similar effect,
Please remember not to copy and send it as is, but to add in all the relevant details.
Instructions to help you fill it in are in CAPS and square brackets. Please don't include those.
If you press on the address next to the "To" field your browser should open an email for you to the relevant official.
CAB Bill Extension Template
[“TO” field:] CAB2023@dbe.gov.za
[INSERT IN SUBJECT LINE]: Draft Children’s Amendment Bill - Request for an extension of the comment period.
Dear Dr Kotze,
I am a [PICK ONE – ECD Practitioner, Parent OR Grandparent of a child in ECD OR a concerned citizen.]
Like many other members of the public, I have only just heard about the Bill and do not have time to consider it carefully before commenting.
I therefore request a 30-day extension of the comment period on the draft Children’s Amendment Bill [B-2023].
Kind Regards,
Hi I am an concerned parent that would like ask for an extension on Children Amendment bill for 30 days please.
Best regards
Jolene Cornelius
I kindly request that the Children Amendment Bill date be extended.
The future of our children are at stake , please consider the fact that we can make a difference and it jas to be a positive one .
I want a better future for each child , over all walks of life .Please be open and truthful to everybody.
Let us make the difference, don’t conform to selfish worldly systems.Please extend the date
I hereby request for an extension to be made on the Children Amendment bill. This needs to be given serious attention as discussions affecting our children regarding the details of their sexual education needs wisdom and Godly I site. As South African people we do not need to bow to the influences of the outside countries but learn from their mistakes and make our wise choices. Please extend this date.
Children’s Amendment Bill - Request for an extension of the comment period.
This is taking children away from their parents, it’s an absolute abomination of freedom and is going to impact on behavior of children. Also how can teachers be made to talk about sex to children as young as 6 or 7.