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How We Work

Radically “free”

LearnFree adopts a radical “free” volunteer model. That means we are a volunteer organization, and therefore no one receives any form of remuneration for any work they perform on any LearnFree project. We have no full-time or even part-time employees.


There are more than enough good ideas and committed people working in competent organizations to tackle South Africa’s education crisis. 


What is primarily lacking is integration of efforts, and strategic vision. 


We seek to intergrate efforts in the fields of strategy, politics, and law, to radically change the education landscape. The tools we use are research, innovative strategic planning, and focused execution through project management to deliver on our goals. This is done by building strong networks within the fields of business, the professions, academe and politics. Furthermore we forge partnerships with existing NGOs, religious organisations and government.


Our overall effectiveness is based on aligning our LearnFree projects with already existent meta-trends. For example, the move to low-fee independent schooling is a global phenomenon in developing countries. SA is lagging behind in this arena. We believe that a minimal effort can therefore leverage an out-sized effect.

Our project-based approach

All Learn Free work is tackled as a project. Every project is broken down into distinct project tasks. We ask volunteers to take on a specific project task, either individually, or working with a team.


Once you take on a project task, you become responsible for that work as if you were in a normal work environment. You will be asked to sign a “contract” as a sign of your commitment to do that work, and you will report to a project manager.


No one will be remunerated for any work they do for LearnFree.


People not money

So as you can see we are looking for people, not money.


When any aspect of our projects needs funding, we will raise it through crowd funding.


No funds raised for specfic projects will ever be spent on salaries or general expenses. 100% of these funds will be spent on the project and as far as possible exclusively on beneficiaries rather than service providers. Realistically we cannot expect all service providers to be committed to our cause and therefore may have to pay for their services, although we will try avoid this.


When and if LearnFree needs to cover general expenses, such as travel for its volunteer project managers and executive staff, we will do so out of a ring-fenced administration fund. The maximum amount any individual or organisation can donate into that fund will be capped. There are two reasons for this. We neither need or want to become a large organisation with sigificant overheads. We want to make sure that the general sees the value in our work, and never rely on a few donors.

Who shouldn’t volunteer

There are a couple of reasons why you shouldn’t volunteer. 


You are not skilled in the area. 

We are not a training organization. In the long -term Learnfree hopes to ally with programs that will give provide training and development especially to unemployed graduates but right now we do not have the capacity to train our volunteers


If you need a job

Unfortunately, LearnFree volunteers need to be in a position in which they are able to self-fund their activities. If you need a job, or need to improve your income stream we would rather that you spent your time looking for a job or improving your work situation.


You don’t have the time

Our experience is that LearnFree projects are exciting and engaging but please do not neglect either your duties at work or, even more importantly, your family. Only volunteer if you really have the time to help.

@2023 by LearnFree

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