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The Basic Education Laws Amendment (BELA) Bill has not yet become law but as it is in essence identical to the Policy on Home Education...

BELA Bill: School Closure & Merger Fact SheeT

Impact The Bill is expected to increase school mergers and closures, particularly in rural areas. It will impact primary schools with 135...

BELA Bill: School Closure & Merger Fact SheeT

[Updated 14 February 24 to reflect changes to clause numbers] Impact The Bill is expected to increase school mergers and closures,...

What you need to know about the BELA Bill

Today, Friday, 5 May, parliament’s public hearings on the Basic Education Laws Amendment Bill (BELA Bill) resume in Gauteng. The...

BELA BILL: LearnFree in Parliament

Hon. Chair, Hon. Members, Staff of the Portfolio Committee and parliament, officials from the Department, fellow stakeholders, observers...

To Register or Not to Register?

Based on the amount of discussion on social media the most perplexing decision that home educators have to make, second only to deciding...

Cottage Schools: Who do we have to thank...the DBE?

If you are of a certain generation you will know that who you have to thank is, “Boland, Boland Bank” but is it possible that the DBE is...

Education in South Africa is working.

When we think of “Education in South Africa” we think of children dying in pit latrines, parents sending their children off to school...

@2023 by LearnFree

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