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Grade R you Registered?

With the BELA Act coming into effect on 24 December 2024 it is now law that all children from the year that they turn six have to attend...

BELA Now, Then or Never?

" Should I stay or should I go " is what is on a lot of home schoolers' minds today.  Must I send in my registration forms now (by...

BELA Bill: A Perfect 10 in Flaws

The President will sign the BELA Bill on Friday. Minister Siviwe Gwarube has committed in an article in the Mail & Guardian to implement...

Get Back BELA: The Song

The original Beatles version Verse 1 BELA was a Bill from Angie's imagination But she...

Ding Dong the BELA Bill is gone…or almost

The appointment on Sunday evening of Hon. Siviwe Gwarube (DA) as Minister of Basic Education in all likelihood means that the BELA Bill...

"Ask for an Extension" Template

The quickest way to get an extra thirty days to study the Children's Amendment Bill. Use the template below for a thirty day extension....


If you need a quick-and-easy homeschool submission, the Pestalozzi Trust, has kindly shared theirs. It is getting rave reviews because it...

KZN Regulations Information Sheet

Need to know more about KZN Regulations. This information sheet with key facts is for you. • KZN is one of two provinces that have home...

KZN - You are in the final straight.

It is not July and its not time for the Durban July but KZNer's are in the final straight with written submissions on the BELA Bill...

Submissions Respository

To make your BELA Bill submission easier you can find the submissions of a number of organisations here. This includes NGOs, civil...

KZN: Beat The Clock - Last Minute BELA Bill Submission

(with a special thank you to all Highway Radio 101.1 FM listeners) Below is a brief submission you can copy and paste to make sure...

Put ECD back in BELA Bill now

During the discussion of BELA Bill in the Portfolio Committee on Basic Education it was agreed to put ECD in the BELA Bill. You can see...

Independent Micro School Submission Template

Update: 03 April 2024 How to make a submission If you are here you likely will have seen the You Tube video. If not you can watch it...


Below is a brief submission you can copy and paste to make sure changes are made to the BELA Bill - the deadline is Friday 19 January at...

@2023 by LearnFree

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